I am a professor in the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Technion, Israel.
E-mail: lihi (at) technion.ac.il
Office: Meyer 959
Address: Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technion, Haifa, 32000, Israel
My current interest is in digitizing the sense of touch. The dream is to enable to touch and feel remote and digital objects. This involves research in Haptics, Robotics, and Computer Vision, with focus on:
- Creating digital representations for objects that reconstruct physical properties, such as structure, surface texture and material hardness.
- Developing haptic feedback devices to enable interaction with virtual objects.
- Executive Vice President for Innovation and Industry Relations, Technion, 2023-2026
- Vice Dean for Graduate Studies, Technion/ECE, 2022-2023
- General chair: CVPR’21, ECCV’22
- Program chair: CVPR’16, ICCV’27
- Area chair: CVPR’10 ECCV’12 CVPR’13 CVPR’14 ECCV’14 CVPR’15 CVPR’18
- Co-Organizer: Computational Video seminar, Dagstuhl, Oct. 2010
- Author Advocate: ACM MM 2020
- Assoc. Editor IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), Feb.2014-Jan.2018
- My YouTube channel
- Interview with Technion International about my role as General Manager of Alibaba/DAMO/Israel (link)
- Interview with Calcalist CTech about opening an r&d center for Alibaba in Israel (link)
- Member of the steering committee of Schmidt Postdoctoral Award for Israeli Women in STEM.
- 3 years of mentoring at Caltech’s Women-Mentoring-Women program.