Analysis and Recognition in Images and Video – Tentative list of topics

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Tentative list of topics that will be explored


  1. Introduction
    Computer vision and video analysis and their most popular applications.
  2. Basic video data handling
    Reading/writing video files
    Processing tools in matlab
    Video formats
    Codec conversions
  3. Feature detectors and descriptors
    Image features (Harris, Difference of Gaussians, SIFT)
    Video features (extension to 3D)
  4. Motion estimation
    Optical flow estimation
    Parametric motion
    Feature-based methods
    Feature matching across frames
  5. Visual summaries
    Image warping
    Mosaic composition
    Synopsis mosaics
    Image joiners
  6. Video synthesis
    Video textures
    Dynamic textures
  7. Object recognition
    Bag-of-features methods
    Part-based methods
  8. Detecting people
    Explore state of the art works
  9. Action recognition
    Bag-of-features methods
    Part-based method
    Frame-by-frame methods
    Spatio-temporal methods
    High resolution recognition
    Low-resolution recognition
    Real-time methods
    Off-line methods